Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS)

Department of Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity

18 members, most of which are experimentally or theoretically investigating turbulent flows.

Early Stage Researchers

ESR5 - Drop dynamics in turbulent flows
  • Experimental measurement of the acceleration and relative velocity of micrometric droplets in warm clouds in situ at the research station Schneefernerhaus.
  • Numerical scheme capable of reproducing the experimental results.
ESR6 - Development of a droplet generator, drop collision measurement
  • To develop a drop generator capable of rapid creation of liquid droplets of sizes 5-50 µm, similar to those typically found in warm clouds.
  • To control also the initial velocity of the created drops, both in magnitude and direction.
  • Experimental measurement of the coalescence rate of droplets generated with the device.
ESR8 - Development of ultrafast temperature, velocity and humidity probe inside NSTAP’s (nanoscale thermal anemometry probe) family

- To develop and improve an ultrafast temperature, velocity and humidity probe following the design of the NSTAP (nanoscale thermal anemometry probe) family patented by Hultmark et al. in 2014 and outlined in e.g. "Nanoscale sensing devices for turbulence measurements" by Fan et al., Exp Fluids (2015). The innovative design of the NSTAP probes makes them prime candidates for the development of ultrafast probes of within multiphase flows such as clouds, due to their already superior robustness to cloud-particle impacts.