June 21, 2019

The 3rd Summer School on Small-Scale Turbulence in Clouds will be held from June 24th to June 28th, 2019, at max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self - Organization in Goettingen, Germany. 

All the ESRs of the COMPLETE project will follow lessons by Michael Wilczek on Turbulence as a challenge for non-equilibrium statistical physics, by John Lawson on Extreme events and intermittency in fine-scale turbulence, by Greg Voth on Non-spherical particles in turbulence, by Haitao Xu on Lagrangian statistics of fluid particles in turbulence, by Oliver Schlenczek on In situ measurements of cloud microphysical properties, by Bernhard Mehlig on Statistical models for particles in turbulence and by Jörg Schumacher on Convection

You can read more about the workshop in the programme below. 
